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gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. gov website. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Silver Spring, MD —The U. Election Assistance Commission EAC announced its partnership with the Center for Internet Security, Inc.

CIS® to pilot a technology verification program focused on non-voting election technology including electronic poll books, election night reporting websites, and electronic ballot delivery systems. As the sole federal agency dedicated to the administration of U. elections, the EAC is uniquely qualified to assist states and organizations such as CIS in the development of innovative evaluation techniques and processes outside of and separate from federal certification and the Voluntary Voting System Guidelines.

The RABET-V pilot program supports agile software development with a verification process that anticipates and supports rapid product changes. Goals of the pilot program include incentivizing high-quality, modern design of IT systems updated in smaller, more manageable cycles at reduced cost of verification and re-verification with more reliable and consistent outcomes for purchasers of these systems.

It is consistent with modern software development, testing, and deployment practices and will allow for changes to be verified rapidly without sacrificing security assurances.

In addition to the EAC, state election leaders from Maryland, Ohio, Wisconsin, Texas, Pennsylvania, Indiana, and the Federal Voting Assistance Program FVAP will participate in the pilot program. Fulton County : In a unanimous vote, the Georgia State Election Board concluded that Fulton County, made significant corrections to election operations over the past two years during a performance review started by Republican state legislators under a voting law that passed the General Assembly in The report was released last week, more than seven months after the election, and highlights staffing issues that have plagued the county for years.

The investigation also found that the problem was less widespread than initial reports suggested. Crucially, the report examined and dismissed public claims that Republican areas had been specifically targeted by the paper shortages in order to suppress or disenfranchise Republican voters.

The report also pointed out that after the primary — when Republican ballots displayed on voting machine screens were mistakenly labeled as Democratic — an outside consultant called The Elections Group had developed a timeline of tasks to be completed by election office employees in preparation for the election, including ordering paper and making sure enough of it made it to each polling site.

It appears the timeline was not followed, and it is unclear whether Gilbert McBride was aware of it. New Report : Fair Elections Center recently released a new report entitled Poll Worker Recruitment: Recommendations for a Better Voter Experience naming best practices for reducing barriers to working at the polls and improving the experience for present and future poll workers.

The report outlines key policy priorities to help election administrators meet their staffing needs and diversify the pool of poll workers ahead of the election. Poll worker shortages can contribute to long lines, closed polling locations, and significant wait times.

To combat these challenges, voting rights experts from Fair Elections Center, a nonpartisan voting rights organization, have identified solutions that help to:. Training skilled poll workers is a year round effort and vital to improving election administration nationwide.

Even in non-federal election cycles, poll workers are key investments and play an important role in maximizing voter turnout. In , Fair Elections Center developed WorkElections , a project aimed at helping election administrators throughout the United States recruit new poll workers.

This unique recruitment web portal has created the underpinning of recruitment efforts for national organizations and major recruitment strategies used by the U. Election Assistance Commission and Power the Polls since the pandemic driven shortages of The two winning stickers will be provided to Carson City voters in the next election cycle.

Clerk-Recorder Scott Hoen reminded the board and audience members that will have three elections. Hoen said his office has been training new election workers.

Personnel News : Clinton Ludwig is the new Tarrant County, Texas elections administrator. Polk County, Florida Supervisor of Elections Lori Edwards will seek a seventh term in office.

Kim Ming is retiring after 19 years as the Winston County, Mississippi circuit clerk. Dorothy Robbins has been removed from the Houston County, Alabama Board of Registrars. Arizona: Gov.

Katie Hobbs D has vetoed more elections-related bills including Senate Bill , which would have required envelopes in which early ballots are mailed to inform voters that dropping off their early ballot after the Friday before the election could result in delayed election results.

The Arizona Association of Counties did not support this bill, and said that county recorders believed it would cause confusion since they advise voters to mail their ballots by the Wednesday before Election Day.

the Friday before the election or present their ID, if they drop it off after that. Proponents said the bill was an effort to speed up the tabulation of election results by requiring ID for those who drop off their early ballot at the last minute, requiring a scramble to verify signatures on those ballots.

Senate Bill also got a Hobbs veto. The bill would have required counties to go back to a precinct voter model, with established voting locations for each precinct, with the option of adding voting centers where anyone within a county can vote. Maricopa and Pima counties in recent years have transitioned to using only voting centers, which allows voters to cast a ballot at any voting site within the county.

The bill would also have required state and local governments, including school districts, to provide space for polling places, if requested. However, it was not included in the budget, and as such, I cannot support it.

Senators Caroline Menjivar and Monique Limón, both Democrats, introduced the legislation, which seeks to register about 5 million more voters.

As of May , California has about However, researchers did find that those likely to vote in California are disproportionately white, older, more educated, affluent, natural-born U. citizens and homeowners. The bill, should it pass, would remove barriers to increasing voter registration among people of color, women, and other harder-to-reach populations in the state, Senator Limón said in a news release.

While the current process has been successful, the bill would expand the process by automatically registering people who complete a transaction at the DMV first, and then providing the option via mail to opt out later.

Delaware: Rep. The late April date is intentional, as it would mirror when Delaware holds their Presidential Primary, removing a scenario where Delaware voters would go to the pull on separate dates for Presidential Primary, Delaware Primary, and then the General Election.

Louisiana: Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin sent an open letter to Gov. John Bel Edwards asking him to not veto a bill that would allow his agency to perform a supplemental voter canvass every year.

The legislation is House Bill , sponsored by Rep. Les Farnum, R-Sulphur. The majority-Republican legislature has passed similar versions of the bill in two previous sessions, and Edwards has vetoed them each time.

They are unnecessary because parish registrars already conduct voter canvasses once every year, the governor has said. An annual voter canvass looks for residents who have changed addresses or moved out of state. The parish registrar mails them a new voter identification card to fill out.

If they fail to return the card, they can be moved to an inactive voters list. If those people fail to return the cards, they could be purged from voter rolls. Maine: The Senate voted along party lines to reject a bill that would have restricted the use of private donations to fund election administration in Maine.

LD , introduced by Sen. Massachusetts : The Joint Committee on Election Laws heard testimony from dozens of advocates and lawmakers speaking in favor of several different bills to adjust the voting age for some elections, allow permanent resident non-citizens to vote in hometown elections, and allow municipalities to use ranked-choice voting locally.

Ranked choice voting was specifically rejected by Massachusetts voters during the election. Minnesota: Effective June 15, election workers have heightened protections in Minnesota, as threats, harassment and intimidation are now illegal in the state.

Tampering with voting equipment, ballot boxes, Statewide Voter Registration System, registration lists or polling rosters is also illegal under this law. The proposed system would also let voters change their party affiliation online and amend information in the voter file, such as their name and current address.

If approved by lawmakers and signed by Gov. New Jersey : The Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee released legislation sponsored by Senator Andrew Zwicker and Senator Shirley Turner that requires periodic reporting of results on Election Night and also ensures transparency of the democratic process.

Under the bill, county clerks in New Jersey would be required, in consultation with county boards of elections, to periodically report the unofficial tally of election results on the night of any primary and general election, every day thereafter and until the final tally thereafter.

Under current law, district boards of elections are required to post a notice every two hours on Election Day indicating the cumulative number of voters who have voted in the election by machine and provisional ballot. The bill, S, was released from committee by a vote of North Carolina : The Senate approved a pair of election and voting-related bills that include the latest attempts by Republicans to enact legislation that Democratic Gov.

Roy Cooper vetoed in past years and to remove his control over the State Board of Elections. In one significant provision, traditional absentee ballots not received by county election offices by the time in-person balloting ends at p. on the date of the election would no longer count.

Currently such ballots received by mail up to three days after the election can be counted if postmarked by the election date. In another bill also approved , the State Board of Elections would increase from five members to eight, with its members no longer appointed by the governor but by legislative leaders of both major parties.

The shift in the absentee ballot deadline is among three provisions that Cooper vetoed in or and are contained in one of the bills that was approved. A second previously vetoed provision bars election boards and county officials from accepting private money to administer elections.

citizens for their eventual removal from voter rolls. The pair of measures now go to the House, where, as in the Senate, the GOP now holds veto-proof majorities. Ohio: House lawmakers have introduced two separate bills that would require Ohioans to register in advance with the Republican or Democratic Party to vote in their primaries.

Senate race. In both cases, voters would select their political party on a registration application or update form. They could choose from a party recognized by the state or write in another established party not listed on the form.

Voters could still indicate if they prefer to be unaffiliated, meaning they would only be able to cast ballots on local or statewide issues.

Under House Bill , sponsored by Gross, Ohioans who wish to select or change their political party for an upcoming primary must do so by Dec. Anyone who submits a form after that would have to wait until the following year to vote in a partisan primary. House Bill , introduced by Rep.

Thomas Hall, R-Madison Township, would let voters make that call up to 30 days before the election. Hall did not respond to an interview request.

Texas: Gov. Greg Abbott vetoed a bipartisan bill that would have expanded vote-by-mail access for people with disabilities — specifically people who are blind or paralyzed and need assistance marking their ballot. Co-authored by state Rep.

Jeff Leach, R-Plano, and state Rep. John H. The bill still would have required those voters to print out, sign and return their ballots by mail.

Meanwhile, Abbott signed into law two bills targeting Harris County elections, triggering a legal showdown in which the county is expected to argue the actions violate the Texas Constitution. The second bill creates a process for the governor-appointed secretary of state, currently former state Sen.

Jane Nelson, to file a lawsuit to remove those two officials. Harris County plans to fight both laws in court in the next couple weeks, County Attorney Christian Menefee said.

Utah: Gov. Spencer Cox has signed HB into law. The bill: changes the dates of the municipal primary elections and municipal general elections, sets up a requirement that each county conduct a municipal election, and changes canvassing and other election deadlines.

Now, counties will hold the primary election on Sept. Counties will hold the general election Nov. Florida: U. District Judge Allen Winsor heard arguments this week in an attempt by the state to end a lawsuit that alleges a voter-registration form violates federal law.

Attorneys for Florida Secretary of State Cord Byrd want U. District Judge Allen Winsor to dismiss a lawsuit filed in April by the League of Women Voters of Florida and the NAACP.

That has resulted, in part, in high-profile arrests of felons who thought they had regained voting rights, according to attorneys representing the voting-rights groups.

An attorney for Byrd, argued that the lawsuit should be dismissed and that the state is complying with the federal law. He also contended that the voter-registration form would become unwieldy if it had to provide a wide range of information about restoration of voting rights. North Carolina : The Southern Coalition for Social Justice filed a lawsuit in federal court over a law that makes it a felony for a North Carolinian to vote while they are on supervision for a felony conviction , even if they are erroneously told by their parole officer or an election worker that they are allowed to cast a ballot.

More than two-thirds of the cases investigated after the general election audit involved Black voters. Ohio: In a ruling, the Republican-leaning Ohio Supreme Court ruled that the state can proceed with an August election for voters to decide whether it should be harder to amend the state constitution.

The court court determined that lawmakers legally set an Aug. Issue 1 would also change the signature-gathering process citizens must follow to place amendments on the ballot.

It requires citizen groups to get voter signatures from all 88 counties, instead of 44, to place an amendment on the ballot.

And it would eliminate a day period that petitioners are granted to replace any invalid signatures. The One Person One Vote coalition sued Secretary of State Frank LaRose in May and asked the court to direct LaRose to scrap the Aug.

Instead, advocates argued, amendments proposed by the Legislature must appear on the ballot during a November general election or spring primary.

The appeal filed by Franklin County voter James Gimenez sought to upend a settlement reached in May after three Latino voters sued Franklin County and its board of commissioners for diluting the votes of Latino voters.

RABET-V does this in the following ways:. RABET-V provides a rigorous testing methodology for non-voting technology while still allowing an efficient and risk-based way to rapidly retest products after risk mitigations and other changes are employed. RABET-V is a cost-effective solution for ensuring verified products, and the most up-to-date versions of those products, are deployed in election environments—all at no-cost to election jurisdictions NB: one exception to this is in the case where an election jurisdiction has solutions developed in-house that they wish to verify.

The RABET-V program lowers overall costs to non-voting technology providers and election offices by standardizing and streamlining testing. There is a lot of information available regarding the RABET-V program that we attempted to combine and condense in this post.

I look forward to sharing more on the progress of RABET-V in future posts. What is RABET-V, and how can it help states, local election jurisdictions and election technology providers right now?

RABET-V does this in the following ways: Evaluates the product in the context of the organization and the environment in which it is developed. Scales to accept a variety of change types , from de minimis to full architecture changes.

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