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The delicious promise of a Lady Gaga press tour? Either way, Robbie gave Gaga her blessing in October. We are seeing herstory in action, folks. We just wanna take another look at her. To quote a musical Gaga is not starring in : Thank goodness. The film bursts into song on October 4, The inevitable sing-along version has not yet received a release date.

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Already a subscriber? Sign In. As long as there is a Batman bringing justice to Gotham City, there will be a Joker to bring nightmares. complete unpredictability, chaos agent, customized weapons, wields toxin which causes victims to die laughing.

DC MOVIES. DC SHOP. DC NFTS. SIGN UP. LOG IN. Jared Leto as the Joker in Suicide Squad. The Joker A homicidal artist and an agent of chaos, the Clown Prince of Crime is the embodiment of everything Batman fights against…and everything he fears.

Character Facts. First Appearance:. BATMAN 1 Base of Operations:. Gotham City. Related Characters. Alfred Pennyworth.

The Joker is a supervillain appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. The character was created by Bill Finger, Bob Kane, and Jerry Robinson Forever alone in a crowd, failed comedian Arthur Fleck seeks connection as he walks the streets of Gotham City. Arthur wears two masks -- the one he paints for his day job as a clown, and the guise he projects in a futile attempt to feel like he's “Joker” centers around the iconic arch-nemesis and is an original, standalone story not seen before on the big screen. The exploration of Arthur Fleck


Stairs dance - Joker [UltraHD, HDR]

Joker - Duration The Joker is a supervillain appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. The character was created by Bill Finger, Bob Kane, and Jerry Robinson Forever alone in a crowd, failed comedian Arthur Fleck seeks connection as he walks the streets of Gotham City. Arthur wears two masks -- the one he paints for his day job as a clown, and the guise he projects in a futile attempt to feel like he's “Joker” centers around the iconic arch-nemesis and is an original, standalone story not seen before on the big screen. The exploration of Arthur Fleck

the Joker. Bob made a rough sketch of it. At first it didn't look much like the Joker. It looked more like a clown. The volume I had was The Man Who Laughs — his face had been permanently operated on so that he will always have this perpetual grin.

And it looked absolutely weird. I cut the picture out of the book and gave it to Bob, who drew the profile and gave it a more sinister aspect. Then he worked on the face; made him look a little clown -like, which accounted for his white face, red lips, green hair.

And that was the Joker! Although Kane adamantly refused to share credit for many of his characters, and refuted Robinson's claim for the rest of his life, many comic historians credit Robinson with the Joker's creation and Finger with the character's development.

The Joker debuted in Batman 1 April as the eponymous character's first villain, about a year after Batman's debut in Detective Comics 27 May The Joker initially appeared as a serial killer and jewel thief, modeled after a joker playing card with a mirthless grin, who killed his victims with "Joker venom," a toxin that left their faces smiling grotesquely.

Finger wanted the Joker to die because of his concern that recurring villains would make Batman appear inept, but was overruled by then-editor Whitney Ellsworth ; a hastily drawn panel, indicating that the Joker was still alive, was added to the comic.

The character's regular appearances quickly defined him as the archenemy of Batman and Robin ; he killed dozens of people, and even derailed a train. Around the same time, DC Comics found it easier to market its stories to children without the more mature pulp elements that had originated many superhero comics.

During this period, the first changes in the Joker began to appear, portraying him as a wacky but harmless prankster; in one story, the Joker kidnaps Robin and Batman pays the ransom by check, meaning that the Joker cannot cash it without being arrested. The cover of Detective Comics 69, known as "Double Guns" with the Joker emerging from a genie 's lamp, aiming two guns at Batman and Robin , is considered one of the greatest superhero comic covers of the Golden Age and is the only image from that era of the character using traditional guns.

Robinson said that other contemporary villains used guns, and the creative team wanted the Joker—as Batman's adversary—to be more resourceful. The Joker was one of the few popular villains continuing to appear regularly in Batman comics from the Golden Age into the Silver Age, as the series continued during the rise in popularity of mystery and romance comics.

In , Finger wrote an origin story for the Joker in Detective Comics , which introduced the characteristic of him formerly being the criminal Red Hood , and his disfigurement the result of a fall into a chemical vat. By , the Comics Code Authority had been established in response to increasing public disapproval of comic book content.

The backlash was inspired by Frederic Wertham , who hypothesized that mass media especially comic books was responsible for the rise in juvenile delinquency , violence and homosexuality , particularly in young males. Parents forbade their children from reading comic books, and there were several mass burnings.

The character appeared less frequently after , when Julius Schwartz who disliked the Joker became editor of the Batman comics. As the show's popularity waned, however, so did that of the Batman comics. In , after a four-year disappearance, [2] the Joker was revived and revised by writer Dennis O'Neil and artist Neal Adams.

Beginning with Batman 's "The Joker's Five-Way Revenge", the character returns to his roots as a homicidal maniac who matches wits with Batman. I went to the DC library and read some of the early stories. I tried to get a sense of what Kane and Finger were after.

DC Comics was a hotbed of experimentation during the s, and in the character became the first villain to feature as the title character in a comic book series, The Joker. Although he murdered thugs and civilians, he never fought Batman; this made The Joker a series in which the character's villainy prevailed over rival villains, instead of a struggle between good and evil.

The series never found an audience, and The Joker was canceled after nine issues despite a "next issue" advertisement for an appearance by the Justice League.

In , DC Comics reissued the series as a trade paperback. When Jenette Kahn became DC editor in , she redeveloped the company's struggling titles; during her tenure, the Joker would become one of DC's most popular characters. In "The Laughing Fish", the Joker disfigures fish with a rictus grin resembling his own expecting copyright protection , and is unable to understand that copyrighting a natural resource is legally impossible.

I really wanted to get back to the idea of Batman fighting insane murderers at 3 a. under the full moon, as the clouds scuttled by.

Years after the end of the television series, sales of Batman continued to fall and the title was nearly cancelled. Although the s restored the Joker as Batman's insane, lethal archenemy, it was during the s that the Batman series started to turn around and the Joker came into his own as part of the "Dark Age" of comics, with mature tales of death and destruction.

The shift was criticized for moving away from tamer superheroes and villains , but comic audiences were no longer primarily children.

In the —89 story arc " A Death in the Family ", the Joker murders Batman's sidekick the second Robin, Jason Todd. Todd was unpopular with fans; rather than modify his character, DC opted to let them vote for his fate and a vote plurality had the Joker beat Todd to death with a crowbar.

This story altered the Batman universe: instead of killing anonymous bystanders, the Joker murdered a core character; this had a lasting effect on future stories. Alan Moore and Brian Bolland 's graphic novel The Killing Joke expands on the Joker's origins, describing the character as a failed comedian who adopts the identity of the Red Hood to support his pregnant wife.

The animated series introduced the Joker's female sidekick: Harley Quinn , a psychiatrist who falls for—and ends up in an abusive relationship with—the Joker, becoming his supervillain accomplice.

The character was popular, and was adapted into the comics as the Joker's romantic interest in Breyfogle conceived the idea as a means to expand on Anarky's characterization, but O'Neil by then the editor for the Batman series of books was opposed to it, and only allowed it to be written under protest, and with a promise that the revelation would eventually be revealed incorrect.

However, the Anarky series was cancelled before the rebuttal could be published. The story arc explores the symbiotic relationship between the Joker and Batman, and sees the villain shatter the trust between Batman and his adopted family.

The conclusion of the " Joker War " storyline by writer James Tynion IV and artist Jorge Jiménez sees the Joker leave Gotham after Batman chooses to let him die. The Joker has undergone many revisions since his debut. The most common interpretation of the character is that of a man who, while disguised as the criminal Red Hood, is pursued by Batman and falls into a vat of chemicals that bleaches his skin, colors his hair green and his lips red, and drives him insane.

The reasons why the Joker was disguised as the Red Hood and his identity before his transformation have changed over time. The character was introduced in Batman 1 , in which he announces that he will kill three of Gotham's prominent citizens. Although the police protect his first announced victim, millionaire Henry Claridge, the Joker had poisoned him before making his announcement and Claridge dies with a ghastly grin on his face.

Batman eventually defeats him, sending him to prison. His resulting disfigurement drove him insane and led him to adopt the name "Joker", from the playing card figure he came to resemble. In this story, the Joker is obsessed with maintaining his illusion of wealth and celebrity as a criminal folk hero , afraid to let Gotham's citizens know that he is penniless and was tricked out of his fortune.

Batman: The Killing Joke built on the Joker's origin story, portraying him as a failed comedian who participates in a robbery as the Red Hood to support his pregnant wife.

Batman arrives to stop the robbery, provoking the terrified comedian into jumping into a vat of chemicals, which dyes his skin chalk-white, his hair green, and his lips bright red. His disfigurement, combined with the trauma of his wife's earlier accidental death, drives him insane, and results in the birth of the Joker.

Although the Joker refuses, he shows his appreciation by sharing a joke with Batman. In the story "A Death in the Family", the Joker beats Jason Todd , the second Robin , with a crowbar and leaves him to die in an explosion. Todd's death haunts Batman, and for the first time he seriously considers killing the Joker.

membership, he is defeated by Batman and Superman. In the " No Man's Land " storyline, the Joker murders Commissioner Gordon's second wife, Sarah , as she shields a group of infants. The Joker, lamenting that he may never walk again, collapses with laughter when he realizes that the commissioner has avenged Barbara's paralysis.

The s began with the crossover story "Emperor Joker", in which the Joker steals Mister Mxyzptlk 's reality-altering power and remakes the universe in his image torturing and killing Batman daily, before resurrecting him. When the supervillain then tries to destroy the universe, his reluctance to eliminate Batman makes him lose control, and Superman defeats him.

Instead, the Joker flanked by an army of "Jokerized" supervillains launches a final crime spree. Believing that Robin Tim Drake has been killed in the chaos, Dick Grayson beats the Joker to death although Batman revives his foe to keep Grayson from becoming a murderer , and the villain succeeds in making a member of the Bat-family break their rule against killing.

In " Under the Hood " , a resurrected Todd tries to force Batman to avenge his death by killing the Joker. Batman refuses, arguing that if he allowed himself to kill the Joker, he would not be able to stop himself from killing other criminals.

in Infinite Crisis for excluding him from the Secret Society of Super Villains , which considers him too unpredictable for membership. The supervillain returns in "The Clown at Midnight" as an enigmatic force who awakens and tries to kill Harley Quinn to prove to Batman that he has become more than human.

When the Joker escapes, he attacks the Black Glove, burying its leader Simon Hurt alive after the supervillain considers him a failure as an opponent; the Joker is then defeated by the recently returned Batman.

In DC's The New 52 , a relaunch of its titles following Flashpoint , the Joker has his own face cut off. During the " Darkseid War " — storyline, Batman uses Metron 's Mobius Chair to find out the Joker's real name; the chair's answer leaves Batman in disbelief.

In the DC Universe: Rebirth one-shot, Batman informs Hal Jordan that the chair told him there were three individual Jokers, not just one. Three Jokers reveals that the three Jokers, who work in tandem, include "The Criminal", a methodical mastermind based on the Golden Age Joker; "The Clown", a goofy prankster based on the Silver Age Joker; and "The Comedian", a sadistic psychopath based on the Modern Age Joker.

The miniseries ends with the revelation that Batman knows the Joker's true identity. That doesn't seem to matter—just how he is now. I never intended to give a reason for his appearance.

We discussed that and Bill [Finger] and I never wanted to change it at that time. I thought—and he agreed—that it takes away some of the essential mystery. Although a number of backstories have been given, a definitive one has never been established for the Joker.

An unreliable narrator , the character is uncertain of who he was before and how he became the Joker: "Sometimes I remember it one way, sometimes another if I'm going to have a past, I prefer it to be multiple choice! He falls into a vat of chemical waste when his heist is thwarted by Batman, emerging with bleached white skin, red lips, green hair and a permanent grin.

This story was the basis for the most often-cited origin tale, Moore's one-shot The Killing Joke. Desperate to support his pregnant wife, he agrees to help two criminals commit a robbery as the Red Hood.

The heist goes awry; the comedian leaps into a chemical vat to escape Batman, surfacing disfigured. This, combined with the earlier accidental death of his wife and unborn child, drives the comedian insane, turning him into the Joker.

The miniseries also reveals that Batman knows the Joker's identity, and has kept it secret in order to protect the criminal's wife and son. However, the Joker's unreliable memory has allowed writers to develop other origins for the character. He has his fateful first meeting with Batman, which results in his disfigurement.

It is suggested that the Joker is sane, and researches his crimes to look like the work of a sick mind in order to avoid the death penalty. In Batman Confidential 7—12, the character Jack is a career criminal who is bored with his work.

He encounters and becomes obsessed with Batman during a heist, embarking on a crime spree to attract the Caped Crusader's attention. After Jack injures Batman's girlfriend, Batman scars Jack's face with a permanent grin and betrays him to a group of mobsters, who torture him in a chemical plant.

Jack escapes, but falls into an empty vat as gunfire punctures chemical tanks above him. The flood of chemicals used in anti-psychotic medication alters his appearance and completes his transformation.

Renowned as Batman's greatest enemy, [] [] [] [] the Joker is known by a number of nicknames, including the Clown Prince of Crime, the Harlequin of Hate, the Ace of Knaves, and the Jester of Genocide. The original, dominant image is that of a psychopath [] with genius-level intelligence and a warped, sadistic sense of humor.

This appearance is such a fundamental aspect of the character that when the animated series The Batman placed the Joker in a straitjacket, it quickly redesigned him in his familiar suit. The Joker is obsessed with Batman, the pair representing a yin-yang of opposing dark and light force, although it is the Joker who represents humor and color and Batman who dwells in the dark.

Spectacle is more important than success for the Joker, and if it is not spectacular it is boring. Despite this body count, he is always found not guilty by reason of insanity and sent to Arkham Asylum , avoiding the death penalty.

The Joker displays no instinct for self-preservation, and is willing to die to prove his point that anyone could become like him after "one bad day".

The Joker's main characteristic is his apparent insanity, although he is not described as having any particular psychological disorder. Like a psychopath, he lacks empathy, a conscience, and concern over right and wrong.

In Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth , the Joker is described as capable of processing outside sensory information only by adapting to it. This enables him to create a new personality every day depending on what would benefit him and explains why, at different times, he is a mischievous clown or a psychopathic killer.

The Killing Joke in which the Joker is the unreliable narrator explains the roots of his insanity as "one bad day": losing his wife and unborn child and being disfigured by chemicals, paralleling Batman's origin in the loss of his parents. He tries and fails to prove that anyone can become like him after one bad day by torturing Commissioner Gordon, physically and psychologically.

Englehart's "The Laughing Fish" demonstrates the character's illogical nature: trying to copyright fish that bear his face, and not understanding why threatening the copyright clerk cannot produce the desired result.

The Joker is alternatively depicted as sexual and asexual. Frank Miller interpreted the character as fixated on death and uninterested in sexual relationships, while Robinson believed that the Joker is capable of a romantic relationship. Harley loves him, but the Joker does not reciprocate her feelings, chiding her for distracting him from other plans.

Snyder's "Death of the Family" describes the Joker as in love with Batman, although not in a traditionally romantic way.

The Joker believes that Batman has not killed him because he makes Batman better and he loves the villain for that. The Joker is often depicted as defining his existence through his conflict with Batman.

In 's "Going Sane", the villain tries to lead a normal life after Batman's apparent death, only to become his old self again when Batman reappears; in "Emperor Joker", an apparently omnipotent Joker cannot destroy Batman without undoing himself.

Since the Joker is simply "the Joker", he believes that Batman is "Batman" with or without the costume and has no interest in what is behind Batman's mask, ignoring opportunities to learn Batman's secret identity.

The Joker is portrayed as having no fear; when fellow supervillain Scarecrow doses him with fear toxin in Knightfall , the Joker merely laughs and says "Boo!

At these moments, the Joker is depicted as expressing remorse for his crimes; [] [] however, during a medically induced period of partial sanity in Batman: Cacophony , he tells Batman, "I don't hate you 'cause I'm crazy. I'm crazy 'cause I hate you," and confirms that he will only stop killing when Batman is dead.

The Joker has no inherent superhuman abilities. The flower in his lapel sprays acid, and his hand often holds a lethal joy buzzer conducting a million volts of electricity, although both items were introduced in as harmless joke items. The Joker has used venom since his debut; only he knows the formula, and is shown to be gifted enough to manufacture the toxin from ordinary household chemicals.

Another version of the venom used in Joker: Last Laugh makes its victims resemble the Joker, susceptible to his orders. The character's arsenal is inspired by his nemesis' weaponry, such as batarangs. In "The Joker's Utility Belt" , he mimicked Batman's utility belt with non-lethal items, such as Mexican jumping beans and sneezing powder.

His technical genius is not limited by practicality, allowing him to hijack Gotham's television airwaves to issue threats, transform buildings into death traps, launch a gas attack on the city and rain poisoned glass shards on its citizens from an airship.

The Joker is portrayed as skilled in melee combat, from his initial appearances when he defeats Batman in a sword fight nearly killing him , and others when he overwhelms Batman but declines to kill him. The Joker's unpredictable, homicidal nature makes him one of the most feared supervillains in the DC Universe; the Trickster says in the miniseries Underworld Unleashed , "When super-villains want to scare each other, they tell Joker stories.

He has collaborated with criminals like the Penguin , the Riddler , and Two-Face , although these partnerships rarely end well due to the Joker's desire for unbridled chaos, and he uses his stature to lead others such as Killer Croc and the Scarecrow. Although they have a friendly partnership in 's World's Finest Comics 88, later unions emphasized their mutual hostility and clashing egos.

Despite his tendency to kill subordinates on a whim, the Joker has no difficulty attracting henchmen with a seemingly infinite cash supply and intimidation; they are too afraid of their employer to refuse his demands that they wear red clown noses or laugh at his macabre jokes.

They have a classic abusive relationship ; even though the Joker constantly insults, hurts, and even tries to kill Harley, she always returns to him, convinced that he loves her. Although his chief obsession is Batman, the character has occasionally ventured outside Gotham City to fight Batman's superhero allies.

In "To Laugh and Die in Metropolis" the character kidnaps Lois Lane , distracting Superman with a nuclear weapon. The story is notable for the Joker taking on a relative god and the ease with which Superman defeats him—it took only 17 pages. Asked why he came to Metropolis, the Joker replies simply: "Oh Superman, why not?

A number of alternate universes in DC Comics publications allow writers to introduce variations on the Joker, in which the character's origins, behavior, and morality differ from the mainstream setting.

Amalgam Comics is a —98 shared imprint of DC Comics and Marvel Comics , which features characters that are composites of DC and Marvel characters. The Hyena Creed H. Quinn is a composite of DC's Joker and Marvel's Sabretooth. He is the nemesis of the Dark Claw Logan Wayne , a composite of Batman and Marvel's Wolverine.

Hyena, like Wayne, is a mutant with the ability to rapidly heal injuries. The two were both subjects of the Weapon X program, an attempt to create "living weapons".

Hyena used his enhancements to become a psychopathic killer. The Hyena first appeared in Legends of the Dark Claw 1 April In the timeline of Batman Beyond , set in the DC animated universe after the events of the film Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker , the Joker remains deceased.

In the Justice League Beyond arc "Flashdrive" his corpse appears in a flashback, set immediately after his death at the hands of Tim Drake in Return of the Joker , being buried beneath Arkham Asylum by Batman and James Gordon.

The Joker's death is shown to be the catalyst for Barbara Gordon 's retirement as Batgirl besides Drake's eventual retirement as Robin. The Joker helped free the original Dark Judges in exchange for immortality.

He received his payment by having his spirit merged into a corpse which was not quite the "immortality" he had sought , creating "Judge Joker". As a Dark Judge, the Joker could kill masses of people with his laugh, which caused human heads to explode. His tenure was a brief one, as he quickly became bored with slaughter simply for its own sake and did not share the original Dark Judges' fanatical zeal for their "sacred mission" of purging all life.

The Joker was restored to his normal, mortal form upon returning to Gotham City via a defective dimensional jump device. Despite almost killing Batman, he is quickly knocked out by Donatello.

In the miniseries Batman: Damned , printed under the DC Black Label , the Joker's death is the center of the story. The circumstances are left unclear, though it occurred after a confrontation with Batman led to both of them tumbling over a bridge.

The Joker's body is later discovered by police, having washed up on shore, while Batman is severely injured and disoriented. The Joker is introduced towards the end of Volume Three of the graphic novel series Batman: Earth One.

In this version, he is suggested to be the one responsible for the Flying Graysons' demise, and frees Toyman from police custody in order to enlist him for his future plans. In this alternate reality, the Joker mocks Batman's attitude towards his "crusade" for justice, claiming that Batman's actions amount to nothing but an attempt to control his world and the Joker simply gives him the opportunity to express this rage.

Disgusted at this claim, Batman force-feeds the Joker a bottle of pills that the villain had just stolen, but the overdose has the unexpected side effect of restoring the Joker to sanity, as well as remembering his former identity of Jack Napier , prompting him to "order" the GCPD to either charge Batman for assault, or he would sue the department for complicity in Batman's abuse of prisoners.

The s series Captain Carrot and His Amazing Zoo Crew presented the parallel Earth of "Earth-C", a world populated by talking animal superheroes. Captain Carrot, in his secret identity of Roger Rodney Rabbit, is the creator of the superhero comic Just'a Lotta Animals a cartoon-animal version of the Justice League of America.

Captain Carrot and the Zoo eventually discover the characters in Rodney's comics actually live on "Earth-C-Minus", in yet another alternate universe. There, the Porker, a pig analog of the Joker, is the nemesis of the Batmouse.

Joker's history on Earth-Two is the same as his Golden Age history. King Kull later recruited Joker of Earth-Two to assist Weeper II of Earth-S, Doctor Light of Earth-One, and Shade of Earth-One in order to trap one side of Earth-S in darkness.

Joker did show Weeper II how he commits his crimes on Earth-Two. Their plot was defeated by Batman and Robin of Earth-Two, Mr. Scarlet and Pinky the Whiz Kid of Earth-S, and Hawkman and Hawkgirl of Earth-One. After Batman had died from terminal cancer, Joker refused to believe that his archenemy is dead.

Dick Grayson posed as Batman to mesmerize Joker enough for Huntress to apprehend him. When Nicholas Lucien came out of a coma following his last fight with Batman, he found himself incarcerated at Gotham State Penitentiary where Joker became his cellmate.

Lucien planned to have his revenge on Batman only to be told by Joker that Batman is dead. The Joker of the Post- 52 Earth-2 is depicted as an old man, frail and wheelchair-reliant after a lifetime of exposure to deadly chemicals, and ironically unable to laugh without hurting himself.

After disfiguring the Huntress's boyfriend, Harry Simms, in an attempt to create a replacement for the deceased Two-Face , he is tracked down by the vengeful heroine. The Joker attempts to kill the Huntress with a lethal joy buzzer , but the attack is intercepted by Power Girl , and the Joker is himself electrocuted as a result.

The Joker of Earth-3 is a hero operating under the alias of the Jokester, and first appeared in Countdown 32 Sep He is the nemesis of Owlman , a villainous version of Batman. Jokester and his daughter Duela Dent are killed by the rogue Monitor Solomon.

The Joker of Earth-9 in the DC Comics imprint Tangent Comics is a female hero who uses her array of jokes and comical devices to mock the evil tyrant Superman 's authority.

This Joker is actually three women: student Mary Marvel , entrepreneur Christie Xanadu , and reporter Lori Lemaris , all of whom take turns wearing the Joker costume. Mary is captured by the Tangent Superman and tortured into revealing the identities of the other two before she is killed.

Lemaris is sent to prison and Christina's fate is left unknown. Lemaris is later re-offered the Joker mantle, but instead chooses to take up that of her fallen comrade, Manhunter. On this alternate Earth, the children of metahuman heroes and villains have been forced into apparent retirement due to the efficiency of Superman robots.

In the timeline of Batman: The Brave and the Bold , set outside the DC animated universe, the character operates as the hero the Red Hood , escaping the clutches of the villainous Batman counterpart Owlman.

On Earth of the Dark Multiverse , the Joker discovers Batman's secret identity. He slaughters most of Batman's other rogues, as well as Commissioner Gordon, and then infects a sizeable portion of Gotham's population with the same chemicals that transformed him, subsequently killing several parents in front of their children with the goal of creating a gathering of children that were essentially a combination of himself and Batman.

As Batman grapples with the Joker, the Joker finally dies from the chemicals that had originally transformed him. As he dies, his decaying body infects Batman with a virus that gradually transforms him into a new Joker.

By the time the Batman realizes this, the process is too advanced for him to find a cure. Batman kills most of his allies and transforms Damian into a mini-Joker before turning on the rest of the Justice League and then conquering the world.

The Joker mockingly notes that even an insane Batman can only plan for scenarios that he believes are possible, and an alliance between the Joker and the Batman is the one thing the Batman Who Laughs could never have considered. In , " The New 52 " rebooted the DC continuity.

On Earth 2, Joker is a dangerous criminal who is imprisoned in a stasis chamber at Arkham Base. When Batman entered Arkham base to look for inmates to aid him, he shot Joker in the head. Elseworlds titles are stories that take place in their own separate continuities and often feature different interpretations of mainstream continuity characters.

Although he successfully coordinates their efforts to take control of Gotham's major crime families, the now-vampire Batman aided by were-cat Selina Kyle is able to destroy the Joker's minions. Unfortunately, Selina is killed in the final battle with the Joker's vampires, with her death causing Batman to succumb to his lust for blood and drink from the Joker.

Although he stakes his foe to prevent him from coming back as a vampire, Batman is left tormented by the knowledge that the Joker won their long conflict by driving him to kill, often reflecting that he is damned by Dracula's bite and the Joker's blood in equal measure as he surrenders to his vampire side and turns on his old enemies.

The classic Joker origin as depicted in The Killing Joke is referenced, but averted by Green Lantern Bruce Wayne; after being arrested, the Red Hood says he has "had a really bad day", and Bruce counters by saying that that is no excuse, because everyone has terrible days, which shames the Hood into apologizing.

In Batman: Leatherwing , the Joker is represented as the "Laughing Man" , the deformed and insane pirate captain of the ship Pescador. He is the adversary of Captain Leatherwing, a Batman analogue.

In Batman: Nosferatu , the Joker appears as the Laughing Man , a monstrous cyborg created by the experiments of the depraved Dr. Arkham, who uses him as an assassin. This version of the Joker ironically ends up creating this world's Batman after an assassination attempt on Bruce Wayne's counterpart.

In Batman: Two Faces , the Joker is not an independent entity, but a shared identity created when a potion created by Bruce Wayne to give himself superhuman strength also creates a new personality, Bruce alternating randomly between himself and the Joker, his Batman identity fighting crime, while the Joker commits murders.

After he realizes the truth and confesses to his allies, Bruce, unable to cure himself, allows himself to fall off a building to stop the Joker once and for all. The Joker cameos in Gotham by Gaslight as a serial killer who, having married and poisoned at least 10 women, tries to commit suicide with strychnine when he is caught, leaving him with a permanent grin.

In JLA: The Nail , the Joker is provided with Kryptonian gauntlets and launches an attack on Arkham Asylum, forcing most of the inmates to fight each other before brutally murdering Batgirl and Robin while forcing Batman to watch.

Catwoman distracts Joker long enough for Batman to escape, but the traumatised Batman subsequently kills the Joker in a rage. During JLA: Another Nail , Batman encounters the Joker in the afterlife when dimensional anomalies allow him to escape from Hell, briefly attempting to sacrifice himself to ensure that the Joker will remain trapped, but Robin and Batgirl's spirit halts Batman's attempted sacrifice and gives him the strength to move on from his guilt.

In , the Joker and Lex Luthor kidnap a pregnant Lois Lane and expose her to gold kryptonite ; this renders her first-born child a normal human. The Joker kills the second Batman an adult Dick Grayson before revealing his true identity to the police as he gloats about how he has finally killed Batman, but Bruce Junior, Bruce Wayne's son and Grayson's Robin, manages to switch costumes with his mentor to create the impression that the Joker killed Robin rather than Batman.

Learning that his enemy is about to die of old age, the now-retired Bruce Wayne dons the cape and cowl for a final visit to the Joker's deathbed. Batman rejects the Joker's request to learn his true identity, on the grounds that the Joker is the last man that he would want to bring peace to. This Elseworlds story Superman: Speeding Bullets is set on an Earth where baby Kal-El was adopted by Thomas and Martha Wayne and raised as Bruce Wayne.

When Bruce's parents are killed, he becomes the ruthless vigilante Batman. Batman's nemesis is Lex Luthor who, in this reality, was injured in the same type of chemical accident that created the main universe Joker. The accident also drives Luthor insane, and he attempts to destroy Gotham City with an army of thugs, but is stopped by Batman.

In the Elseworlds miniseries Batman: Thrillkiller Jan. Steeplechase poisons Robin, masquerades as the mayor's wife, abducts and tortures Bruce Wayne, and is in a lesbian relationship with Earth's Harley Quinn. Bianca is killed by Batgirl, drowning in the Gotham River. In the alternate timeline of the Flashpoint event, Martha Wayne is the Joker and even resembles Heath Ledger 's portrayal as seen in The Dark Knight.

After Bruce Wayne is shot and killed by Joe Chill, Martha is unable to cope with her loss, so she cuts open her cheeks to create a faux smile. As the Joker, she is the nemesis of Batman and uses Yo-Yo as a henchman.

She kidnaps Harvey Dent 's son and daughter. The Joker kills James Gordon after she tricks Gordon into shooting Harvey's daughter disguised as the Joker. After Dent's son and daughter are saved, Batman confronts the Joker [] about their son's death.

As Batman has recently met Barry Allen , Martha learns that there is a way to rewrite history where Bruce will live, although they will die. Realizing that her son will be Batman in that timeline, Martha flees in horror, falling to her death in the caverns below Wayne Manor.

In this spin-off of the online game , the Joker tires of his unsuccessful fight with Batman, and decides to attack Superman. He and Harley Quinn kill Jimmy Olsen and abduct Lois Lane who is pregnant with Superman's child. They place a stolen nuclear warhead within Metropolis with a deadman switch wired to Lois.

After exposing Superman to kryptonite -laced fear toxin stolen from the Scarecrow , Superman mistakes Lois for Doomsday and kills her. Metropolis is destroyed in the subsequent nuclear detonation.

A grief-stricken and vengeful Superman confronts the captured Joker, who states that he will just escape to commit more crimes and taunts Superman about not finding love and happiness again, saying he will take it again from him.

Enraged beyond words, Superman kills the Joker and establishes the Regime, intent on eliminating crime through any means necessary.

In the Year Three comic series, Superman is placed into a magical sleep where he imagines events playing out differently. He is able to break free of the fear toxin in time to save Lois, their child, and Metropolis.

Before an angry Superman can attack the Joker, Batman takes the Joker away. When the Joker confesses to Batman that he would try to kill Lois again, Batman kills the Joker and is imprisoned as a result. With the tragedy averted, Superman is able to live a happy life with his wife and child.

Superman is eventually woken from his dream and forced to contend with a world where the Joker bested him much to his agonizing fury.

In Year Four it is revealed that the Joker's name is used by the Joker Underground, a large group of people who oppose Superman's Regime and see the Joker as a symbol of freedom. This catches Batwoman and Harley Quinn's eyes and they convince the protestors to use a different system. The Underground agree, but shortly after the two depart an enraged Superman shows up, furious they are using the Joker as a symbol.

He then kills the Underground, including over people, as punishment. This results in others continuing to use the Joker's name as a symbol, in response to the fact that Superman showed he is willing to murder those who had already agreed to stop using the Joker's name as their symbol, resulting in the Underground being temporarily co-opted by the Joker of an alternate universe.

Another graphic novel, called simply Joker , focuses on the character in a more gritty, realistic version of the Batman mythos. He is apparently harmless and has a habit of giggling when he is nervous. Elijah Snow mentions not liking the way Jasper "kept hugging himself" when looking at pictures of homicides.

In a comic book miniseries based on the television series Smallville , an interpretation of the Joker made his debut in Smallville: Alien 3 February In the graphic novel Batman: Digital Justice created by Pepe Moreno , an artificial intelligence calling itself the "Joker Virus" takes over a futuristic, technology-dependent Gotham City in the late 21st century and claims to be the reincarnation of its creator, the original Joker.

Batman, in this version the grandson of Commissioner James W. Gordon , stops the virus with help from another A. In Grant Morrison 's —15 miniseries The Multiversity , this alternate Earth is given the designation Earth Since the Bronze Age of Comics, the Joker has been interpreted as an archetypal trickster , displaying talents for cunning intelligence, social engineering, pranks, theatricality, and idiomatic humor.

Like the trickster, the Joker alternates between malicious violence and clever, harmless whimsy. The trickster is simultaneously subhuman and superhuman, a being that indicates a lack of unity in body and mind.

Rather than the typical anarchist interpretation, others have analysed the character as a Marxist opposite to Batman's capitalist , arguing that anarchism requires the rejection of all authority in favor of uncontrolled freedom. Ryan Litsey described the Joker as an example of a " Nietzschean Superman ," arguing that a fundamental aspect of Friedrich Nietzsche 's Superman , the "will to power," is exemplified in all of the Joker's actions, providing a master morality to Batman's slave morality.

The Joker's controlling and abusive relationship with Harley Quinn has been analyzed as a means of the Joker reinforcing his own belief in his power in a world where he may be killed or neutralized by another villain or Batman.

Harley's co-creator, Paul Dini , describes their relationship as Harley being someone who makes the Joker feel better about himself, and who can do the work that he does not want to do himself.

The Joker is considered one of the most recognizable and iconic fictional characters in popular culture, [] [] [] one of the best comic villains, and one of the greatest villains of all time.

These debates weigh the positive stopping the Joker permanently against its effect on Batman's character and the possibility that he might begin killing all criminals. In , the Joker was number one on Wizard magazine's " Greatest Villains of All Time.

The Joker's popularity and his role as Batman's enemy has involved the character in most Batman -related media, from television to video games. The character inspired theme-park roller coasters The Joker's Jinx , [] [] The Joker in Mexico and California , [] [] and The Joker Chaos Coaster , [] and featured in story-based rides such as Justice League: Battle for Metropolis.

Since —, the Joker has inspired a large number of internet memes , often focused on the character's portrayal in films see below. According to Steven T. Wright of The Outline , the character "came to symbolize the archetype of the ' edgelord ,' a vapid, self-styled provocateur who prides himself in his ability to ' trigger ' those who hold progressive viewpoints.

The phrase "We live in a society" is commonly associated with the Joker in memes, especially after the release of the trailers of the film Joker. The line garnered particular notoriety after a trailer for the film Zack Snyder's Justice League featured Joker saying the line.

The Joker is often featured as part of the "Gang Weed" meme, a satirical take on incels , " neckbeards " and " nice guys ", as well as cannabis and gamer culture.

The Joker has appeared in a variety of media, including television series, animated and live-action films. WorldCat a catalog of libraries in countries records over productions featuring the Joker as a subject, including films, books, and video games, [] and Batman films which feature the character are typically the most successful.

The role was a defining performance in Nicholson's career and was considered to overshadow Batman's, with film critic Roger Ebert saying that the audience must sometimes remind themselves not to root for the Joker. Voiced by Mark Hamill , the Joker retained the darker tone of the comics in stories acceptable for young children.

After Christopher Nolan 's successful Batman film reboot, Batman Begins , which ended with a teaser for the Joker 's involvement in a sequel, the character appeared in 's The Dark Knight , played by Heath Ledger as an avatar of anarchy and chaos.

The television series Gotham — explores the mythology of the Joker through twin brothers Jerome and Jeremiah Valeska , played by Cameron Monaghan. Although the film was controversial for its violence and portrayal of mental illness, Phoenix's performance received widespread acclaim.

The Joker has also been featured in video games. Hamill returned to voice the character in 's critically acclaimed Batman: Arkham Asylum , its equally praised sequel Batman: Arkham City and the multiplayer DC Universe Online.

DC Universe , [] Injustice: Gods Among Us , [] its sequel Injustice 2 , [] and Mortal Kombat 11 Anthony Ingruber voices the Joker in Batman: The Telltale Series [] and its sequel Batman: The Enemy Within Contents move to sidebar hide.

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In other projects. Wikimedia Commons Wikiquote. Supervillain in the DC Universe. For other characters called Joker or other uses of "The Joker", see Joker. Comics character. Promotional artwork for Batman: Three Jokers , depicting the incarnations of the Joker from the Golden Age bottom , the Silver Age middle , and the Modern Age top.

Art by Jason Fabok. Bill Finger Bob Kane Jerry Robinson. Injustice League Legion of Doom Injustice Gang. left Jerry Robinson 's concept sketch of the Joker. right Actor Conrad Veidt in character as Gwynplaine in The Man Who Laughs Veidt's grinning visage inspired the Joker design.

See also: List of Batman family enemies. Main article: Batman: White Knight. Main article: The Batman Who Laughs. See also: Elseworlds. Main article: Joker in other media. Mark Hamill has voiced the Joker in animation and video games since Heath Ledger won a posthumous Academy Award for his interpretation of the character in 's The Dark Knight.

Joaquin Phoenix won an Academy Award for his interpretation of the character in 's Joker. New York City: MTV News. Archived from the original on July 26, Retrieved August 9, July 11, Comic Book Resources.

Archived from the original on February 23, Retrieved February 23, Jerry Robinson, creator of the Joker". The A. Archived from the original on October 14, Retrieved October 12, The Daily Telegraph. December 12, Archived from the original on November 4, Jerry Robinson December 15, Den of Geek.

Archived from the original on December 27, Retrieved December 26, Jerry Robinson, Creator of Batman's Nemesis, the Joker". Archived from the original on February 26, Retrieved October 18, Kane Had Nothing To Do With It. Bill Did It All" — Carmine Infantino on Bill Finger".

Bleeding Cool. July 15, Archived from the original on October 15, Retrieved February 20, com official site of Entertainment Weekly writer. Archived from the original on February 4, Retrieved August 28, The Ongoing Adventures of Rocket Llama. July 21, August 5, Archived from the original on July 23, Retrieved August 1, Page 8 archived and Page 9 archived from the originals on August 17, The New York Times.

Archived from the original on November 13, Archived from the original on April 8, Archived from the original on October 16, Los Angeles Times. Archived from the original on October 23, The Encyclopedia of Comic Book Heroes, Volume 1: Batman.

New York City: Macmillan Publishing. ISBN Retrieved March 29, Not coincidentally, DC found it easier to market their comics to kids without the salacious overtones of the pulp magazines from which many superhero comics had sprung. November 9, Archived from the original on November 12, Retrieved November 20, The Jerusalem Post.

Jerusalem: The Jerusalem Post Group. Associated Press. The Joker". February 26, Archived from the original on October 21, Because the surge in public visibility hadn't helped stop Batman's comic book slide, editorial director Carmine Infantino vowed to turn things around and moved even further away from schoolboy-friendly adventures.

Archived from the original on October 20, Retrieved October 19, Archived from the original on February 8, Retrieved January 25, July 16, Archived from the original on September 9, Archived from the original on April 21, Retrieved November 18, London, England: Dennis Publishing. The Many Lives of the Batman: Critical Approaches to a Superhero and His Media.

Abingdon, England: Routledge. August 9, Archived from the original on October 19, Los Angeles, California: j2 Global. Archived from the original on October 11, Archived from the original on April 22, Retrieved April 22, Sci Fi. March 28, Archived from the original on April 11, Retrieved May 2, Even though their Batman run was only six issues, the three laid the foundation for later Batman comics.

Their stories include the classic 'Laughing Fish' in which the Joker's face appeared on fish ; they were adapted for Batman: The Animated Series in the s. Not only did the series kill off Silver Age icons the Flash and Supergirl, it cleared out decades of continuity bramble Daily News.

Archived from the original on June 21, Archived from the original on May 14, Archived from the original on August 14, Retrieved August 14, Archived from the original on December 30, Retrieved October 11, Archived from the original on January 7, Retrieved October 15, The Joker, like a terrorist, is trying to seed confusion and chaos.

His enemies cannot study him or his motivations, nor predict what he is going to do. A certain contingent of fans embraced his brand of anarchy during a time of economic upheaval, rather than regarding the Joker as a threat to the nation. Based on his Twitter presence, the Joker seems to have left Gotham behind in favor of expressing so-called anti-Social Justice Warrior SJW views about how society has become too politically correct , whether that means adding empowered female characters to video games or favoring women in custody battles in court.

When Warner Bros. Leto reportedly went full method for the role, sending used condoms and live rats to castmates including Will Smith on set. It was maybe all for naught: the Joker was largely cut out of the already haphazardly edited film.

Later, he murders a man who tries to flirt with her. These scenes did not appear in the final cut. Director David Ayer has defended the original script as a journey of independence and empowerment for Harley, who eventually rejects the Joker.

For better or worse, the Joker being largely cut out of the film helped to maintain his status as a mysterious onscreen figure. His motivations — besides his unhealthy obsession with Harley — go largely unexplained.

Like The Killing Joke before it, Joker tries to explain the enigmatic villain. He has mental health issues. He is treated poorly by people around him because of these issues. He feels abandoned by a father he never knew, infatuated with the mother who stayed.

He stalks a woman and feels rejected by her. Eventually, he gets his hands on a gun and wreaks havoc. A lot has changed in the decade since The Dark Knight premiered, including the kinds of threats Americans fear most.

Home-grown terrorism has become an epidemic , with mass shootings carried out by disgruntled young men, often misogynists and domestic abusers with a history of violence toward women. The audience of Joker , it appears, is either supposed to empathize with a disillusioned shooter or at least understand why he committed acts of violence.

Now that mass audiences finally have a chance to see the film, after more than a month of critical debate online, they can decide for themselves how far to extend their empathy. Write to Eliana Dockterman at eliana. dockterman time. By Eliana Dockterman. October 8, PM EDT. Sign Up for Worth Your Time.

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All the Details on ‘Joker 2’ Starring Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga

Its upcoming sequel, on the other hand, treads down different steps. Folie à Deux will be a musical fantasia starring pop icon Lady Gaga “Joker” centers around the iconic arch-nemesis and is an original, standalone story not seen before on the big screen. The exploration of Arthur Fleck The film, loosely based on DC Comics characters, stars Joaquin Phoenix as Joker. Set in , it follows Arthur Fleck, a failed clown and aspiring stand-up: Joker

Not deposit bonus pokerstars. But it's not as a direct connection joker joked character I'm playing being Uoker many years later as a host. September 26, Trailer It was maybe all for naught: the Joker was largely cut out of the already haphazardly edited film. Archived from the original on July 11, Retrieved August 15, Hated: GG Allin and the Murder Junkies Frat House Bittersweet Motel Retrieved January 28, Sign up and join the community. The Joker is a supervillain appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. The character was created by Bill Finger, Bob Kane, and Jerry Robinson Forever alone in a crowd, failed comedian Arthur Fleck seeks connection as he walks the streets of Gotham City. Arthur wears two masks -- the one he paints for his day job as a clown, and the guise he projects in a futile attempt to feel like he's “Joker” centers around the iconic arch-nemesis and is an original, standalone story not seen before on the big screen. The exploration of Arthur Fleck Directed by Todd Phillips, Joker acts as an origin story for Batman's most iconic villain. Arthur Fleck (Joaquin Phoenix) is a down-on-his-luck clown who is Joker: Folie à Deux: Directed by Todd Phillips. With Ken Leung, Zazie Beetz, Joaquin Phoenix, Catherine Keener. Sequel to the film "Joker" from “Joker” centers around the iconic arch-nemesis and is an original, standalone story not seen before on the big screen. The exploration of Arthur Fleck During the s, a failed stand-up comedian is driven insane and turns to a life of crime and chaos in Gotham City while becoming an infamous psychopathic The film, loosely based on DC Comics characters, stars Joaquin Phoenix as Joker. Set in , it follows Arthur Fleck, a failed clown and aspiring stand-up Duration joker
We use vendors that may also william hill casino free spins your predictz tomorrow prediction to help provide our services. Art by Ioker Fabok. Batman Unauthorized: Vigilantes, Jokers, and Heroes in Gotham City. Oh I know, let's take the comic book movie universe and turn it on its head with this". Oscar Predictions. Deadline Hollywood. Batman Unauthorized: Vigilantes, Jokers, and Heroes in Gotham City. Each one had a personality the Joker displayed over the course of Batman and the Joker's rivalry: the Criminal being when they first began their rivalry, the Clown mimicking the more light-heated aspects, and the Comedian, who had a sadistic view of the world under his smile. Archived from the original on February 19, In future issues, he is shown as very computer literate, presumably meaning that he researched the subject. To quote a musical Gaga is not starring in : Thank goodness. Then he worked on the face; made him look a little clown -like, which accounted for his white face, red lips, green hair. The Joker is a supervillain appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. The character was created by Bill Finger, Bob Kane, and Jerry Robinson Forever alone in a crowd, failed comedian Arthur Fleck seeks connection as he walks the streets of Gotham City. Arthur wears two masks -- the one he paints for his day job as a clown, and the guise he projects in a futile attempt to feel like he's “Joker” centers around the iconic arch-nemesis and is an original, standalone story not seen before on the big screen. The exploration of Arthur Fleck In Gotham City, a struggling, mentally ill comic battles to be seen. His life takes a dark, gut-wrenching turn after he lashes back at attackers Forever alone in a crowd, failed comedian Arthur Fleck seeks connection as he walks the streets of Gotham City. Arthur wears two masks -- the one he paints for his day job as a clown, and the guise he projects in a futile attempt to feel like he's Brendan Gleeson is confirmed to be joining the cast of the “Joker” sequel. While there is no word yet whom Gleeson will be playing, Deadline The Joker is a supervillain appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. The character was created by Bill Finger, Bob Kane, and Jerry Robinson Forever alone in a crowd, failed comedian Arthur Fleck seeks connection as he walks the streets of Gotham City. Arthur wears two masks -- the one he paints for his day job as a clown, and the guise he projects in a futile attempt to feel like he's “Joker” centers around the iconic arch-nemesis and is an original, standalone story not seen before on the big screen. The exploration of Arthur Fleck joker
It is to be noted that during joksr brief moments of sanity, jiker Joker expressed regret for jackpot city slots the crimes that he had committed joksr begged joler forgiveness. September joker, Joer September 16, With Nightwing's aid, Batman deduces that the Joker is using a serum capable of healing him from fatal damage, and that the virus contains the serum's complete inverse. Archived from the original on September 19, In these first dozen adventures, the Joker killed close to three dozen people, impressive for a villain who didn't use giant robots, mutant monsters, or space lasers, as was the status quo between until around Genres Crime Drama Thriller. Young Justice. Beginning in Batman , with the story "The Joker's Five Way Revenge", the Joker becomes a homicidal maniac who casually murders people on a whim, while enjoying battles of wits with Batman. In September , Joker was awarded the Golden Lion , the festival's highest prize, at the 76th Venice International Film Festival. Release date October 4, United States. Batgirl , paralyzing her below the waist. The Joker is a supervillain appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. The character was created by Bill Finger, Bob Kane, and Jerry Robinson Forever alone in a crowd, failed comedian Arthur Fleck seeks connection as he walks the streets of Gotham City. Arthur wears two masks -- the one he paints for his day job as a clown, and the guise he projects in a futile attempt to feel like he's “Joker” centers around the iconic arch-nemesis and is an original, standalone story not seen before on the big screen. The exploration of Arthur Fleck In Gotham City, a struggling, mentally ill comic battles to be seen. His life takes a dark, gut-wrenching turn after he lashes back at attackers Brendan Gleeson is confirmed to be joining the cast of the “Joker” sequel. While there is no word yet whom Gleeson will be playing, Deadline Forever alone in a crowd, failed comedian Arthur Fleck seeks connection as he walks the streets of Gotham City. Arthur wears two masks -- the one he paints for his day job as a clown, and the guise he projects in a futile attempt to feel like he's In Gotham City, a struggling, mentally ill comic battles to be seen. His life takes a dark, gut-wrenching turn after he lashes back at attackers Movie Info · Rating: R (Disturbing Behavior|Brief Sexual Images|Language|Strong Bloody Violence) · Genre: Crime, Drama · Original Language: English · Director Joker: Folie à Deux: Directed by Todd Phillips. With Ken Leung, Zazie Beetz, Joaquin Phoenix, Catherine Keener. Sequel to the film "Joker" from joker
Writers Guild of America Awards. Detective Moker 1. Red Hood free games no deposit. DC Jooker was a hotbed of experimentation during the s, and in the character became the jooker villain hoker feature as the title character in a comic book series, The Joker. The Joker is the only character to talk directly into the "camera" such as in Joker's Wildwhere he says "Don't try this at home, kids! Road to Perdition The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen A History of Violence V for Vendetta Stardust The Spirit The Losers The Kitchen

By Taubar

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